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My Bible Journey

Hello, I'm Mark.  Welcome to my Bible Journey!                 I plan to read the Bible one book at a time, one chapter at a time, and one verse at a time from the Book of Genesis all the way through to the Book of Revelation.  Along the way I will summarize what I read, write down verses that pique my interest, and jot down thoughts and reflections about the Bible passage.  I don't know how long this journey will take or where this journey will take me.  I look forward to the journey and what God has in store for me and you!  I pray that I grow closer to the Lord, learn more about the scriptures,and share with other people that are interested in learning more about God's holy inspired Word.                Listed below are the books in the Bible.  I will start at the beginning in the book of Genesis, work my way through the Old Testament, and read the new Testament, concluding my journey in the book of Revelation.  The journey does not stop here.  The journey is
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Chapter 1:  Judah's Leadership against the Canaanites, Benjamin's Failure, Success of the House of Joseph, and Failure of the Other Tribes Summary More conflict soon comes to Israel.  The Canaanites are retaliating because their land was taken from them and most were killed in battle during the time of Joshua.  God appoints Judah and Simeon to lead the first military campaign against the Canaanites.  Judah, Simeon, and a new assembled Israeli army strike down the Canaanites and Perizzites in Bezek killing 10,000 men.  The men of Judah re-capture the city of Jerusalem as Canaanites had taken it back over.  Their campaign continued throughout the land of Israel fighting against the various Canaanites that settled in the land.  The reason why the Canaanites lived in Jerusalem is because the Benjaminites did not drive out the Jebusites who were living in Jerusalem.  The house of Joseph attacks and takes over the town of Bethel.  The military campaign under Joshua did not go perfect


JOSHUA Chapter 1:  Encouragement of Joshua and Joshua Prepares the People Summary The Lord encourages Joshua with words of wisdom and important instruction.  Joshua then prepares the people to cross over the Jordan River and take possession of the Promised Land within three days time.  The Reubenites, the Gadites, ad half the tribe of Manasseh is to recceive the land on the east side of the Jordan River.  The women and children of these tribes are to remain in that land, but the fighting men from those tribes must help their fellow Israelites take possession of the Promised Land.  All the Israelites agree to follow all of Joshua's commands and they accept him as their leader.  Above all, they will be strong and courageous! Verses of Interest Joshua 1:7-9 -  “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.  Keep this Book of the Law always on your lip