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Showing posts from June, 2020


The Book of Deuteronomy Introduction Deuteronomy is the last book of the Pentateuch.  The first five books in the Bible were written by Moses and they are called the Pentateuch.  These books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  In Greek, Deuteronomy means "the second law."  The main theme to this book is "Love and Obey."  Deuteronomy teaches that obedience is man's response to God's love.  The Law is good, while the sin nature of man is bad.  God must save us only by His grace.  The new generation of the Israelites, now grown to adulthood, needed to have the Law interpreted for them in the light of 38 years' experience in the wilderness.  In this book, God tells His people that they are to teach the Law constantly to their children.  Moses gives his final instructions from God to the Israelites before he dies and Joshua resumes leadership. Chapter 1:  Introduction, Departure from Horeb, Leaders for...