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Showing posts from April, 2020


The Book of Numbers Chapter 1:  The Census of Israel Summary God tells Moses to take a census of the entire Israelite community by their clans and their ancestral houses, counting the names of every male one by one.  Males 20 years and older are to serve in Israel's army.  A man from each of the 12 tribes of Israel is to be with Moses and lead/head up his ancestral house in the army.  Israel's army consisted of: 46,500 registered for the tribe of Reuben 59,300 registered for the tribe of Simeon 45,650 registered for the tribe of Gad 74,600 registered for the tribe of Judah 54,400 registered for the tribe of Issachar 57,400 registered for the tribe of Zebulun 40,500 registered for the tribe of Ephraim 32,200 registered for the tribe of Manasseh 35,400 registered for the tribe of Benjamin 62,700 registered for the tribe of Dan 41,500 registered for the tribe of Asher 53,400 registered for the tribe of Naphtali 603,550 total registered in the Israelite A