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Showing posts from February, 2020


The Book of Leviticus Chapter 1:  The Burnt Offering Summary God summons Moses and speaks to him at the tent of meeting.  God tells him to instruct the Israelites about how to bring and prepare a burnt offering to the Lord to make atonement for sins. Verses of Interest Leviticus 1:1-2 - Then the Lord summoned Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting:  "Speak to the Israelites and tell them:  When any of you brings an offering to the Lord from the livestock, you may bring your offering from the herd or the flock." Thoughts on the Text The Book of Leviticus was written by Moses.  It is a part of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible.  The book opens and closes at the same geographical location , at Mount Sinai, where God gave the Law to Moses and the Israelites.  Exodus ends with the construction of the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filling the tabernacle.  Now, in the book of Leviticus, the rules of worship and offerings in the tab