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Showing posts from October, 2019


The Book of Genesis Chapter 1:  The Creation Summary The 1st chapter of Genesis details the creation of heaven and Earth.  We are introduced to God.  God is the creator.  On the first day God created a formless, empty earth and light.  On the second day, God created the sky.  God created an expanse of water above the sky and below the sky.  On the third day God created land and the seas of earth.  He also created vegetation, plants, trees, and fruit on the land.  On the fourth day God created the two great lights:  the sun and the moon.  He also created the stars.  On the fifth day God created sea creatures and fish of the sea and the winged creatures and birds of the sky.  On the sixth day God created the creatures of the Earth:  "...livestock, creatures that crawl, and the wildlife..."  Also, God created man on this day.  Man was made to rule over the earth.  Everything that God created prior was food for man.  God's creation was good! Verses of Interest